John-Andrew Morrison

My Manifesto

My Story

I have lived and worked in dual careers in New York City for almost 20 years. The lessons I learned at my kitchen table have served me very well. I have developed award winning documentary theater performed here and internationally. I have worked at La Mama for 15 years working solely on original plays and musicals. I have been an in house event planner for a major multinational energy company planning events related to protocol and reputation. I have conceived and built a distance learning platform used all over the US, Europe, Asia and South America. I have produced, directed, edited two distance learning video courses. I have rebranded and launched websites for companies all while singing new musical theater songs for award winning composers. In every room always asking questions, gathering details, making things personal. Using practical imagination to visualize what I want to make people feel and experience from the stage or at a conference I am throwing. Engineering and strategizing how to get that done and then building towers in the sky.

My Why


My Why

I believe that our stories are powerful and posses the mother load of vital information.

Our Stories Lead to Values. Values lead to Passion. Passion leads to what we want to create int he world. 

I want to help individuals and organizations connect to and lead from their stories. Once they do this everything they need to succeed will be revealed. 


My Why

I want to meet people where they are and mine their stories to help them set the right course of action for their success. 

My Business

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You have enough on your plate. Let me collaborate with you to conceive and achieve the tasks you need to run your business brilliantly. I partner with you to help you engage with audiences authentically, creating profitable relationships for your business. 

My Vision

A world where we see the humanity in each other and build relationships that are powerful, lasting, perennial and profitable.

My 90 Day Goal

Three Part Goal

My Process

Be in relationship with our humanity, creativity and the magic within us.

Relationship / Compassion
Harnessing my strengths of building relationships and compassion. I will use this to be a great advocate and partner for my clients. I will also continue to build relationships with partners to be a great facilitator for my clients. 

I listen with more than just my ears. Listening is about observing. Taking note of body language and the things people shy away from and throw away in conversation tells me where to mine for answers. 

I can make people feel comfortable and safe. This allows me to mine our conversations and encourage people to be brave and human. 

Remember to be brave. To not play it small and to remember that in fact I know how to do this. And also remembering that I don't know is not weakness, its just a place to begin a journey. To speak about what I want to achieve in the world with confidence and not play it down.